Frequently asked questions
What are the sources of sodium chloride?
Sodium chloride primarily originates from seawater and natural salt lakes, and it can also be extracted from ores through industrial processes.
What are the physical properties of citric acid?
Citric acid is a white crystal or powder at room temperature, odorless with a sour taste, and soluble in water, ethanol, and ether. When heated to 175°C, citric acid decomposes to produce carbon dioxide and water.
What are the uses of sodium chloride in daily life?
Sodium chloride is an essential seasoning in daily life, as it enhances both the flavor and taste of food.
What precautions should be taken when using citric acid?
When using citric acid, attention should be paid to controlling the dosage to avoid excessive use. Additionally, citric acid should not be added to pure milk, as it can cause the milk to coagulate. For individuals with stomach ulcers, excessive stomach acid, dental caries, and diabetes, consumption of citric acid should be approached with caution.
How can we distinguish edible sodium chloride from industrial sodium chloride?
There are significant differences in purity and quality standards between edible sodium chloride and industrial sodium chloride. Edible sodium chloride is usually refined and has a higher purity, making it suitable for human consumption. On the other hand, industrial sodium chloride may contain impurities and harmful substances, making it unsuitable for human consumption. Therefore, it is crucial to distinguish between them carefully to avoid accidentally ingesting industrial salt.
Is sodium bicarbonate harmful to humans?
In moderate amounts, sodium bicarbonate is safe for humans and does not cause toxic reactions. However, improper use, such as excessive intake, may lead to alkalosis and health issues like hypokalemia.